NYFAA - Professionals Dedicated to Improving Life Safety in the New York Metropolitan Area
Membership Strength
10 New Members Joined in 2021
Vendor Show
25 Vendors Displayed & Demonstrated the Latest in Fire Safety Technology. (Be Sure to Sponsor/Attend the 2022 Vendor Event)
Webinars & Seminars
5 Opportunities to Learn & Earn PDH’s Were Provided by NYFAA.
Updated and Approved by the NYFAA Membership.
Code Committee Accomplishments
- New NYC Building Code introduced and passed by NYC Council (effective 11/7/2022)
- New NYC Fire Code introduced and passed by NYC Council (effective 4/15/2022)
- NYC Existing Building Code drafted (introduction pending at NYC Council)
- FDNY/AHJ Regular Meetings with NYFAA Code Committee
Golf Outing - Sold Out, and Successful, Thanks to our NYFAA Members and Friends.
- 140 Golfers Attended and 25 Sponsors Participated!
Golf Outing Helped NYFAA Raise over $25,000, Which was Donated to Local Burn Center Facilities.
Toy Drive
The Generosity of NYFAA Members and Friends was Overwhelming, Exceeding All Expectation. Mountains of Toys were Collected, and Distributed, Personally by NYFAA Leadership, to NYU/Winthrop Hospital and Stonybrook University Hospital.
Uniformed Civil Employee:
Chief Michael F. Uttaro, Nassau County Fire Marshal's Office.
Non-Uniformed Civil Employee:
Eric Stravinskas-FDNY
Mike Yohannan-FDNY.
Member of the Year:
Glenn Walter
Distinguished Member(s) of the Year
Kevin Tomlinson and the Champion Team!!!
Membership Meetings
Many Attendees Enjoyed Networking and Access to Fire Officials and A.H.J.’s in New York City, Nassau County, and Suffolk County. There Were Three Meetings Held in 2021, amidst the Pandemic.
"Members Only” Resource Center
NYFAA Creates, Maintains, and Continuously Expands a Knowledge Base for NYFAA “members only” access.