Member Privileges
NYFAA Member Privileges
With every NYFAA membership, you are invited to take the initiative to help shape the future of the constantly evolving Fire Alarm and ARCS Industries.
Membership in NYFAA, offers you, and your member company, a voice to help positively influence local fire codes, standards, and best practices, within the state of New York.
NYFAA benefits are targeted toward providing our members with an abundance of resources, shared information, and improving knowledge, in a collaborative environment.
Our primary intended result, with your participation, is greater industry synergy, with a measurable impact on your business.
- Networking Opportunities.
- Access to a Multitude of NYFAA and Industry Resources.
- Professional Development.
- Offering New Perspectives Through Collaborative Discussion.
- Internship & Mentoring Programs.
- Your Potential Direct Participation on NYC Committees with DOB and FDNY.
- Up-to-date Code, Standards and Best Practices Conversations, with Direct Input and Participation with FDNY, Nassau County, and Suffolk County, AHJ’s.
- Positively Impact Your Fire Alarm Business Best Practices with Current Information from FDNY, DOB, Nassau, and Suffolk County Officials.
- Information and Links on how to procure Important Training: NICET, S97, S98, and other certifications.
- NFPA Training – Targeted NFPA-72 training and seminars throughout the year.
The New York Fire Alarm Association is Recognized by Fire Officials Nationwide as the Most Effective Fire Alarm and Life Safety Industry Association in the U.S.